• Deutsche Sprache
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Manufacturer: ImageJA Team
Licence: Freeware
Operation System: Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
Language: English
File size: 1 MB (Win)



ImageJA Team

ImageJA is a fork of ImageJ, i.e. it is synchronized closely with ImageJ, but has a few things on top. When run as an applet, ImageJA is embedded (slated to be _optionally_ embedded, once the maintainer finds some time to do it). The internal structure of ImageJA's recorder allows command listeners to get much more fine-grained information. When launching a text editor, in many cases ImageJA will now choose Fiji's Script Editor, if available, instead of the old AWT based ImageJ editor. ImageJA has an easy Plugin installer via Plugins>Install PlugIn... (ImageJ only has that drag-n-drop option). The instance listener is RMI-based with ImageJA, so there is no security issue with it. ImageJA's Command Launcher has fuzzy matching, too.

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