• Deutsche Sprache
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Manufacturer: Carlos Ramirez
Licence: Freeware
Operation System: Windows 98 | ME | 2000 | XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
Language: English
File size: 0.08 MB (Win)



Carlos Ramirez

Almost every digital camera is able to 'burn' the date and time of a picture onto the picture itself. It has its advantages, however not many people like to ruin a nice photograph with some obtrusive numbers, usually colored totally inappropriate. Such photos cannot be restored anymore - the original light information under every single digit is lost forever. Fortunately, there is something called Exchangeable image file format (Exif). It allows saving various information about a photograph in the photograph itself. Most digital cameras make use of this format and include at least some basic parameters in every picture they make. One way to see this information is to right-click a picture in Windows Explorer and choose 'Properties', then 'Summary'. Among other things, the date and time the picture was taken is also displayed. exifMe was created mainly to allow projecting the date and time over a photo upon viewing that photo in full screen. The picture itself remains unaltered, the date and time labels are simply shown on top of it temporarily.

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